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Top Frequently Asked Questions About Lip Injections

Limoges Beauty

· Beauty


With an increase in age, most people may lose their facial attractiveness due to losing the actual shape of their lips or increasing file lines in their lips. Some people may have thin lips by birth and want to enhance their lips.

So, everybody has their unique reason for doing lip enhancement treatments. If you want to go for the same, you should know about lip injections used in that treatment. No look further; we'll discuss all the essential points you need to know about it. You'll find all the answers to your FAQs related to lip injections here:

What Are Lip Injections?

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Lip enhancement treatment is a non-surgical procedure that uses injectable lip fillers to volumize and significantly improve your lips. These lip fillers are customizable and commonly contain hyaluronic acid-based solutions like Juvéderm or Restylane to add natural-looking volume, some plumper fullness, or even improve lip shape.

How Much Does It Cost To Do Lip Enhancement?

In your lip enhancement procedure, if you use lip fillers, it'll cost from a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $2000. Its cost depends on various factors, such as lip filler type, lip filler composition, type of your lips, number of injections needed to gain the desired look, etc. Sometimes the cost of your lip augmentation varies according to the fees of a physician you see in a particular region.

What are the precautions to follow after applying lip injections?

Lip filler after-care is essential & most people are very concerned about the same after getting their lip enhancement procedures. So, here are some main precautions you have to take after getting your lip injections:

  • Don't use any rough cleaning brush or scrubbing agent for 24 hours.
  • Avoid doing face massage activities for at least two weeks.
  • Don't use a straw while drinking on 1st day, as this puts pressure on the lips.
  • Avoid eating foods that are hard to eat and chew for a few days.
  • Don't consume alcohol after taking fillers for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid doing an excessive workout or going to the gym for a few days.

How Long Results Of Lip Injections Last?

In general, there are two types of lip fillers; permanent and temporary lip fillers. Permanent fillers are used in surgical procedures that long last for many years. On the other hand, temporary lip fillers used in non-surgical procedures long last from 6 months to 3 years. The age of your lip fillers depends upon various factors, including lip fillers composition & type, also the patient's requirements.

Are Lip Injections Painful?

Lip fillers are not so painful as the doctor applied numbing cream on the area that will be treated during the lip enhancement process. Some patients feel mild swelling, redness, or tenderness, but these all are temporary issues that will go away after 12 to 24 hours of the treatment.

Are Lip Injections Safe?

If your lip injections are FDA-approved, then there are no permanent side effects of using these injections in your lip augmentation. So, we can admit that lip injections are safe to use but make sure an experienced & licensed doctor will perform the treatment.

Are You Looking to Start Your Lip Injection Journey?

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Choosing the right service provider is a significant concern if you consider getting lip injections to enhance your lips. It's critical to select the best one who will provide you with the correct procedure.

Limoges Beauty is well-known for providing the best quality lip plumpers for lip enhancement in NYC. It is a member of the American Electrolysis Association & famous for delivering the best possible FDA-approved treatments. To get a consultation, contact us today!